Need for Challenge
- I initiate too much in interactions with other people
- Trying to do too much
- Speaking too much
- People care about their thoughts firstly, my thoughts secondly
- Nobody will remember everything I said even if it’s useful
- Be passive in 10 conversations
- Acknowledge other peoples’ thoughts, feelings & perspectives
- Allow other people to initiate
- Resist temptation to be active and leading
- Conversation 1 – How bad umpires are in CFCL
- Players were angry over bad decisions
- Players felt disrespected by umpire
- Players felt umpire was not doing his job, etc …
- I kept eye contact, passively listened, acknowledged their feelings, etc …
- Conversation 2 – Neighbor asked for help to connect phone and car bluetooth
- Helped him identify his car radio is broken
- Less initiation by me, responded to questions, acknowledged his feelings, etc …
- Conversation 3 – Grand parents
- Conversation 4 – Captains meeting